March 31, 2011

Positive Thinking.

This is a picture I took. I had a bit of a play with some of the tools on Photoshop and this is what I've come up with the picture. I used the tools Exposure, Saturation, White Balance, Fill Light, Sharpen, Pop Colour and Hue. For this I had to decide weather to have the brown fence in colour or in a grey. The brown fence kind of wreaked the picture so i decided to make it grey. I really love this picture it show's who I am. I love being outside, walking down the street, this picture is just on a street that a lot of people think is yuck, and to me this shows just how beautiful this place can be.

Different kind of day.

I have been looking at this picture for so long wondering what I could do with it. I was playing around with some tools on Photoshop and used some things that I haven't before like distort which as you can see i used on the tree. I used the tool pop colour in the picture which turned it black and white then I picked a colour that I wanted to stand out. I tried to do something different as with my other photos I mainly brightened it and put some Hue into it. I like this picture because it is something I haven't done and I think it's different.

September 1, 2010

this was my final picture for photography. took this when i was in america. this is on out way to keywest. to the right is the old bridge and infront is the new road. i put this picture in a gallary. in enhanced this picture and burnt the clouds and lines.

this image i was out with my friends. We darkened it then lightened it. and this is how it turned out. love this picture.

May 18, 2010

This picture i took when i went to America. This photo represents one of my two dreams. I wanted to go to Magic Kingdom. in this photo i made the sky a bit lighter, i also made the castle a bit darker which i wanted to make more like i had cut a picture with a nice blue sky, and pasted the Magic Kingdom on top. :).
This photo i took when i went to America. This photo looked as though it had fog in front of it so i Enhanced it. now it looks like a clear photo. I like how it has a bit of the sunset, and has the dock to the left. I am proud of the picture that i have taken.